I love to learn and I’m in a profession that requires continual education. This relationship works out well.
I am doing professional development and continuing education courses all the time. Some I complete in a webinar format or online series. For others I travel and spend several days learning during in-person workshops.
There is a lot of reading too–catching up on research in the f
ield and working to apply research results to therapy sessions.
It’s one the parts of being a speech-language pathologist. There are opportunities to learn and grow. Sometimes I select courses based on my own areas of passion within the field: literacy, early childhood language, etc. Other times, I select courses based on client needs and circumstances.
It was to my great surprise, however, that today I found an award in my mailbox. I received recognition for not only completing the required number of hours but for far exceeding them.
The American Speech Language Hearing Association ACE Award is issued to those who complete more than double the number of required hours within a 36-month period.
While I know I complete a great deal of continuing education, I had no idea I was earning this award and it was a rather exciting find in the mailbox!